" THE END " For Facebook Or Another Google Failure ?

Google makes a new attempt to get back the crowd. With many of its failed attempts, Google, now is very near to introduce its new social network Google + ( Google Plus ). The website will have most of the newest user friendly services Online properties. With this unveil Google may have a risk on its own search Engine which is, at present, the most visited site leading the Traffic rankings.

Google has given top priority to privacy, secrecy and authentication which the previous network sites like Orkut, Facebook and many others have miserably failed.

With its Main feature called “ Circles ” users can organize contacts into different customized circles like family members, co-workers or college friends, and share photos, videos or other information only within those smaller groups.

A toolbar across the top of most of Google's sites -- such as its main search page, its Gmail site and its Maps site - allows users to access their personalized data feed. They can then contribute their own information to the stream. Google Plus will also offer a special video chat feature, in which up to 10 people can jump on a conference call. And Google will automatically store photos taken on cell phones on its Internet servers, allowing a Google Plus user to access the photos from any computer and share them.

When asked if he expected people to switch from Facebook to Google Plus, Google Senior Vice President of Engineering Vic Gundotra said people may decide to use both. "People today use multiple tools. I think what we're offering here offers some very distinct advantages around some basic needs," he said.

Google Plus will be rolled out to a limited number of users in what the company is calling a field trial. Only those invited to join will initially be able to use the service. Google did not say when it would be more widely available. To create Google Plus, the company went back to the drawing board in the wake of several notable failures, including Google Wave and Google Buzz, a microblogging service whose launch was marred by privacy snafus. "We learned a lot in Buzz, and one of the things we learned is that there's a real market opportunity for a product that addresses people's concerns around privacy and how their information is shared," said Horowitz.

To take a tour Click Here : http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/+/demo/

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